A Scientific Exploration of Disembodied Consciousness

4 min readAug 15, 2024

Have you ever wondered what consciousness truly is? Is it just a product of our brain, or could it be something far more expansive and fundamental to the universe? Imagine if the answer lies not in our neural circuits but in the very fabric of light itself. The IAM (Intelligence, Awareness, and Memory) model proposes exactly this — an intriguing possibility that consciousness might be rooted in photons, the elementary particles of light. Let’s explore this idea together.

What If Consciousness Isn’t Just in the Brain?

We’ve been taught to think of consciousness as something that happens inside our brains — neurons firing, synapses connecting, and thoughts emerging. But what if consciousness isn’t confined to the brain at all? The IAM model challenges this notion by suggesting that consciousness could be a phenomenon that arises from photons — those tiny, dazzling particles of light.

So, what does this mean? It means that the essence of what we experience as intelligence, awareness, and memory might actually be the result of complex interactions within a vast network of photons. Could it be that our minds are more intertwined with the universe than we ever imagined?

Could Intelligence Be More Than Just Neural Activity?

